How to display 3D360 on Oculus Rift, view on Internet and smartphones

Currently there are many free players can play 3D360 media nicely on desktop such as VRplayer, Kolor Eyes player, and Totalcinema360. Select the media source as 2D spherical format and track with Oculus Rift DK2, users shall able to see the panoramic video with head tracking. Users can also view the 360 immersively on smartphone HMD adaptors like iZugar ZVR-lite, Google Cardboard or the Samsung Gear VR with 360 video playback apps, such as Kolor Eyes player (iOS/android) or VRplayer (android) or our new app. Users can still track the 360 and display them nicely with full screen without the HMD adapter. iZugar_3DViewer
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